Optimization passes#

Yosys employs a number of optimizations to generate better and cleaner results. This chapter outlines these optimizations.

The opt macro command#

The Yosys pass opt runs a number of simple optimizations. This includes removing unused signals and cells and const folding. It is recommended to run this pass after each major step in the synthesis script. As listed in opt - perform simple optimizations, this macro command calls the following opt_* commands:

Listing 37 Passes called by opt#
opt_merge -nomux

    opt_share  (-full only)
    opt_dff  (except when called with -noff)
while <changed design>

Constant folding and simple expression rewriting - opt_expr#

This pass performs constant folding on the internal combinational cell types described in Internal cell library. This means a cell with all constant inputs is replaced with the constant value this cell drives. In some cases this pass can also optimize cells with some constant inputs.

Table 1 Const folding rules for $_AND_ cells as used in opt_expr.#


































Table 1 shows the replacement rules used for optimizing an $_AND_ gate. The first three rules implement the obvious const folding rules. Note that ‘any’ might include dynamic values calculated by other parts of the circuit. The following three lines propagate undef (X) states. These are the only three cases in which it is allowed to propagate an undef according to Sec. 5.1.10 of IEEE Std. 1364-2005 [A+06].

The next two lines assume the value 0 for undef states. These two rules are only used if no other substitutions are possible in the current module. If other substitutions are possible they are performed first, in the hope that the ‘any’ will change to an undef value or a 1 and therefore the output can be set to undef.

The last two lines simply replace an $_AND_ gate with one constant-1 input with a buffer.

Besides this basic const folding the opt_expr pass can replace 1-bit wide $eq and $ne cells with buffers or not-gates if one input is constant. Equality checks may also be reduced in size if there are redundant bits in the arguments (i.e. bits which are constant on both inputs). This can, for example, result in a 32-bit wide constant like 255 being reduced to the 8-bit value of 8'11111111 if the signal being compared is only 8-bit as in addr_gen module after opt_expr; clean of Synthesis starter.

The opt_expr pass is very conservative regarding optimizing $mux cells, as these cells are often used to model decision-trees and breaking these trees can interfere with other optimizations.

Listing 38 example verilog for demonstrating opt_expr#
module uut(
    input a,
    output y, z
    assign y = a == a;
    assign z = a != a;

Fig. 21 Before and after opt_expr#

Merging identical cells - opt_merge#

This pass performs trivial resource sharing. This means that this pass identifies cells with identical inputs and replaces them with a single instance of the cell.

The option -nomux can be used to disable resource sharing for multiplexer cells ($mux and $pmux.) This can be useful as it prevents multiplexer trees to be merged, which might prevent opt_muxtree to identify possible optimizations.

Listing 39 example verilog for demonstrating opt_merge#
module uut(
    input  [3:0] a, b,
    output [3:0] y, z
    assign y = a + b;
    assign z = b + a;

Fig. 22 Before and after opt_merge#

Removing never-active branches from multiplexer tree - opt_muxtree#

This pass optimizes trees of multiplexer cells by analyzing the select inputs. Consider the following simple example:

Listing 40 example verilog for demonstrating opt_muxtree#
module uut(
    input a, b, c, d,
    output y
    assign y = a ? (a ? b : c) : d;

The output can never be c, as this would require a to be 1 for the outer multiplexer and 0 for the inner multiplexer. The opt_muxtree pass detects this contradiction and replaces the inner multiplexer with a constant 1, yielding the logic for y = a ? b : d.


Fig. 23 Before and after opt_muxtree#

Simplifying large MUXes and AND/OR gates - opt_reduce#

This is a simple optimization pass that identifies and consolidates identical input bits to $reduce_and and $reduce_or cells. It also sorts the input bits to ease identification of shareable $reduce_and and $reduce_or cells in other passes.

This pass also identifies and consolidates identical inputs to multiplexer cells. In this case the new shared select bit is driven using a $reduce_or cell that combines the original select bits.

Lastly this pass consolidates trees of $reduce_and cells and trees of $reduce_or cells to single large $reduce_and or $reduce_or cells.

These three simple optimizations are performed in a loop until a stable result is produced.

Merging mutually exclusive cells with shared inputs - opt_share#

This pass identifies mutually exclusive cells of the same type that:
  1. share an input signal, and

  2. drive the same $mux, $_MUX_, or $pmux multiplexing cell,

allowing the cell to be merged and the multiplexer to be moved from multiplexing its output to multiplexing the non-shared input signals.

Listing 41 example verilog for demonstrating opt_share#
module uut(
    input  [15:0] a, b,
    input         sel,
    output [15:0] res,
    assign res = {sel ? a + b : a - b};

Fig. 24 Before and after opt_share#

When running opt in full, the original $mux (labeled $3) is optimized away by opt_expr.

Performing DFF optimizations - opt_dff#

This pass identifies single-bit d-type flip-flops ($_DFF_, $dff, and $adff cells) with a constant data input and replaces them with a constant driver. It can also merge clock enables and synchronous reset multiplexers, removing unused control inputs.

Called with -nodffe and -nosdff, this pass is used to prepare a design for FSM handling.

Removing unused cells and wires - opt_clean pass#

This pass identifies unused signals and cells and removes them from the design. It also creates an \unused_bits attribute on wires with unused bits. This attribute can be used for debugging or by other optimization passes.

When to use opt or clean#

Usually it does not hurt to call opt after each regular command in the synthesis script. But it increases the synthesis time, so it is favourable to only call opt when an improvement can be achieved.

It is generally a good idea to call opt before inherently expensive commands such as sat or freduce, as the possible gain is much higher in these cases as the possible loss.

The clean command, which is an alias for opt_clean with fewer outputs, on the other hand is very fast and many commands leave a mess (dangling signal wires, etc). For example, most commands do not remove any wires or cells. They just change the connections and depend on a later call to clean to get rid of the now unused objects. So the occasional ;;, which itself is an alias for clean, is a good idea in every synthesis script, e.g:

hierarchy; proc; opt; memory; opt_expr;; fsm;;

Other optimizations#