flowmap - pack LUTs with FlowMap#

yosys> help flowmap#
flowmap [options] [selection]
This pass uses the FlowMap technology mapping algorithm to pack logic gates
into k-LUTs with optimal depth. It allows mapping any circuit elements that can
be evaluated with the `eval` pass, including cells with multiple output ports
and multi-bit input and output ports.
-maxlut k
perform technology mapping for a k-LUT architecture. if not specified,
defaults to 3.
-minlut n
only produce n-input or larger LUTs. if not specified, defaults to 1.
-cells <cell>[,<cell>,...]
map specified cells. if not specified, maps $_NOT_, $_AND_, $_OR_,
$_XOR_ and $_MUX_, which are the outputs of the `simplemap` pass.
perform depth relaxation and area minimization.
-r-alpha n, -r-beta n, -r-gamma n
parameters of depth relaxation heuristic potential function.
if not specified, alpha=8, beta=2, gamma=1.
-optarea n
optimize for area by trading off at most n logic levels for fewer LUTs.
n may be zero, to optimize for area without increasing depth.
implies -relax.
dump intermediate graphs.
explain decisions performed during depth relaxation.