
$macc (A, B, Y)

Multiply and accumulate. A building block for summing any number of negated and unnegated signals and arithmetic products of pairs of signals. Cell port A concatenates pairs of signals to be multiplied together. When the second signal in a pair is zero length, a constant 1 is used instead as the second factor. Cell port B concatenates 1-bit-wide signals to also be summed, such as “carry in” in adders. Typically created by the alumacc pass, which transforms $add and $mul into $macc cells. Simulation model (Verilog) ————————–

Listing 312 simlib.v:914#
module \$macc (A, B, Y);

    parameter A_WIDTH = 0;
    parameter B_WIDTH = 0;
    parameter Y_WIDTH = 0;
    // CONFIG determines the layout of A, as explained below
    parameter CONFIG = 4'b0000;
    parameter CONFIG_WIDTH = 4;

    // In the terms used for this cell, there's mixed meanings for the term "port". To disambiguate:
    // A cell port is for example the A input (it is constructed in C++ as cell->setPort(ID::A, ...))
    // Multiplier ports are pairs of multiplier inputs ("factors").
    // If the second signal in such a pair is zero length, no multiplication is necessary, and the first signal is just added to the sum.
    input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A; // Cell port A is the concatenation of all arithmetic ports
    input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B; // Cell port B is the concatenation of single-bit unsigned signals to be also added to the sum
    output reg [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y; // Output sum

    // Xilinx XSIM does not like $clog2() below..
    function integer my_clog2;
        input integer v;
            if (v > 0)
                v = v - 1;
            my_clog2 = 0;
            while (v) begin
                v = v >> 1;
                my_clog2 = my_clog2 + 1;

    // Bits that a factor's length field in CONFIG per factor in cell port A
    localparam integer num_bits = CONFIG[3:0] > 0 ? CONFIG[3:0] : 1;
    // Number of multiplier ports
    localparam integer num_ports = (CONFIG_WIDTH-4) / (2 + 2*num_bits);
    // Minium bit width of an induction variable to iterate over all bits of cell port A
    localparam integer num_abits = my_clog2(A_WIDTH) > 0 ? my_clog2(A_WIDTH) : 1;

    // In this pseudocode, u(foo) means an unsigned int that's foo bits long.
    // The CONFIG parameter carries the following information:
    //    struct CONFIG {
    //        u4 num_bits;
    //        struct port_field {
    //            bool is_signed;
    //            bool is_subtract;
    //            u(num_bits) factor1_len;
    //            u(num_bits) factor2_len;
    //        }[num_ports];
    //    };

    // The A cell port carries the following information:
    //    struct A {
    //        u(CONFIG.port_field[0].factor1_len) port0factor1;
    //        u(CONFIG.port_field[0].factor2_len) port0factor2;
    //        u(CONFIG.port_field[1].factor1_len) port1factor1;
    //        u(CONFIG.port_field[1].factor2_len) port1factor2;
    //        ...
    //    };
    // and log(sizeof(A)) is num_abits.
    // No factor1 may have a zero length.
    // A factor2 having a zero length implies factor2 is replaced with a constant 1.

    // Additionally, B is an array of 1-bit-wide unsigned integers to also be summed up.
    // Finally, we have:
    // Y = port0factor1 * port0factor2 + port1factor1 * port1factor2 + ...
    //     * B[0] + B[1] + ...

    function [2*num_ports*num_abits-1:0] get_port_offsets;
        input [CONFIG_WIDTH-1:0] cfg;
        integer i, cursor;
            cursor = 0;
            get_port_offsets = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i = i+1) begin
                get_port_offsets[(2*i + 0)*num_abits +: num_abits] = cursor;
                cursor = cursor + cfg[4 + i*(2 + 2*num_bits) + 2 +: num_bits];
                get_port_offsets[(2*i + 1)*num_abits +: num_abits] = cursor;
                cursor = cursor + cfg[4 + i*(2 + 2*num_bits) + 2 + num_bits +: num_bits];

    localparam [2*num_ports*num_abits-1:0] port_offsets = get_port_offsets(CONFIG);

    `define PORT_IS_SIGNED   (0 + CONFIG[4 + i*(2 + 2*num_bits)])
    `define PORT_DO_SUBTRACT (0 + CONFIG[4 + i*(2 + 2*num_bits) + 1])
    `define PORT_SIZE_A      (0 + CONFIG[4 + i*(2 + 2*num_bits) + 2 +: num_bits])
    `define PORT_SIZE_B      (0 + CONFIG[4 + i*(2 + 2*num_bits) + 2 + num_bits +: num_bits])
    `define PORT_OFFSET_A    (0 + port_offsets[2*i*num_abits +: num_abits])
    `define PORT_OFFSET_B    (0 + port_offsets[2*i*num_abits + num_abits +: num_abits])

    integer i, j;
    reg [Y_WIDTH-1:0] tmp_a, tmp_b;

    always @* begin
        Y = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i = i+1)
            tmp_a = 0;
            tmp_b = 0;

            for (j = 0; j < `PORT_SIZE_A; j = j+1)
                tmp_a[j] = A[`PORT_OFFSET_A + j];

            if (`PORT_IS_SIGNED && `PORT_SIZE_A > 0)
                for (j = `PORT_SIZE_A; j < Y_WIDTH; j = j+1)
                    tmp_a[j] = tmp_a[`PORT_SIZE_A-1];

            for (j = 0; j < `PORT_SIZE_B; j = j+1)
                tmp_b[j] = A[`PORT_OFFSET_B + j];

            if (`PORT_IS_SIGNED && `PORT_SIZE_B > 0)
                for (j = `PORT_SIZE_B; j < Y_WIDTH; j = j+1)
                    tmp_b[j] = tmp_b[`PORT_SIZE_B-1];

            if (`PORT_SIZE_B > 0)
                tmp_a = tmp_a * tmp_b;

            if (`PORT_DO_SUBTRACT)
                Y = Y - tmp_a;
                Y = Y + tmp_a;
        for (i = 0; i < B_WIDTH; i = i+1) begin
            Y = Y + B[i];

    `undef PORT_IS_SIGNED
    `undef PORT_SIZE_A
    `undef PORT_SIZE_B
    `undef PORT_OFFSET_A
    `undef PORT_OFFSET_B



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