write_blif - write design to BLIF file

yosys> help write_blif
write_blif [options] [filename]
Write the current design to an BLIF file.
-top top_module
set the specified module as design top module
-buf <cell-type> <in-port> <out-port>
use cells of type <cell-type> with the specified port names for buffers
-unbuf <cell-type> <in-port> <out-port>
replace buffer cells with the specified name and port names with
a .names statement that models a buffer
-true <cell-type> <out-port>
-false <cell-type> <out-port>
-undef <cell-type> <out-port>
use the specified cell types to drive nets that are constant 1, 0, or
undefined. when '-' is used as <cell-type>, then <out-port> specifies
the wire name to be used for the constant signal and no cell driving
that wire is generated. when '+' is used as <cell-type>, then <out-port>
specifies the wire name to be used for the constant signal and a .names
statement is generated to drive the wire.
if a net name is aliasing another net name, then by default a net
without fanout is created that is driven by the other net. This option
suppresses the generation of this nets without fanout.
The following options can be useful when the generated file is not going to be
read by a BLIF parser but a custom tool. It is recommended not to name the
output file *.blif when any of these options are used.
do not translate Yosys's internal gates to generic BLIF logic
functions. Instead create .subckt or .gate lines for all cells.
print .gate instead of .subckt lines for all cells that are not
instantiations of other modules from this design.
do not generate buffers for connected wires. instead use the
non-standard .conn statement.
use the non-standard .attr statement to write cell attributes
use the non-standard .param statement to write cell parameters
use the non-standard .cname statement to write cell names
-iname, -iattr
enable -cname and -attr functionality for .names statements
(the .cname and .attr statements will be included in the BLIF
output after the truth table for the .names statement)
write blackbox cells with .blackbox statement.
do not write definitions for the $true, $false and $undef wires.