connwrappers - match width of input-output port pairs

yosys> help connwrappers
connwrappers [options] [selection]
Wrappers are used in coarse-grain synthesis to wrap cells with smaller ports
in wrapper cells with a (larger) constant port size. I.e. the upper bits
of the wrapper output are signed/unsigned bit extended. This command uses this
knowledge to rewire the inputs of the driven cells to match the output of
the driving cell.
-signed <cell_type> <port_name> <width_param>
-unsigned <cell_type> <port_name> <width_param>
consider the specified signed/unsigned wrapper output
-port <cell_type> <port_name> <width_param> <sign_param>
use the specified parameter to decide if signed or unsigned
The options -signed, -unsigned, and -port can be specified multiple times.