mutate - generate or apply design mutations

yosys> help mutate
mutate -list N [options] [selection]
Create a list of N mutations using an even sampling.
-o filename
Write list to this file instead of console output
-s filename
Write a list of all src tags found in the design to the specified file
-seed N
RNG seed for selecting mutations
Include a "none" mutation in the output
-ctrl name width value
Add -ctrl options to the output. Use 'value' for first mutation, then
simply count up from there.
-mode name
-module name
-cell name
-port name
-portbit int
-ctrlbit int
-wire name
-wirebit int
-src string
Filter list of mutation candidates to those matching
the given parameters.
-cfg option int
Set a configuration option. Options available:
  weight_pq_w weight_pq_b weight_pq_c weight_pq_s
  weight_pq_mw weight_pq_mb weight_pq_mc weight_pq_ms
  weight_cover pick_cover_prcnt
mutate -mode MODE [options]
Apply the given mutation.
-ctrl name width value
Add a control signal with the given name and width. The mutation is
activated if the control signal equals the given value.
-module name
-cell name
-port name
-portbit int
-ctrlbit int
Mutation parameters, as generated by 'mutate -list N'.
-wire name
-wirebit int
-src string
Ignored. (They are generated by -list for documentation purposes.)