verific - load Verilog and VHDL designs using Verific#

yosys> help verific#
verific {-vlog95|-vlog2k|-sv2005|-sv2009|-sv2012|-sv} <verilog-file>..
Load the specified Verilog/SystemVerilog files into Verific.

All files specified in one call to this command are one compilation unit.
Files passed to different calls to this command are treated as belonging to
different compilation units.

Additional -D<macro>[=<value>] options may be added after the option indicating
the language version (and before file names) to set additional verilog defines.
The macros YOSYS, SYNTHESIS, and VERIFIC are defined implicitly.

    verific -formal <verilog-file>..

Like -sv, but define FORMAL instead of SYNTHESIS.

    verific {-vhdl87|-vhdl93|-vhdl2k|-vhdl2008|-vhdl2019|-vhdl} <vhdl-file>..

Load the specified VHDL files into Verific.

    verific {-edif} <edif-file>..

Load the specified EDIF files into Verific.

    verific {-liberty} <liberty-file>..

Load the specified Liberty files into Verific.
Default library when -work is not present is one specified in liberty file.
To use from SystemVerilog or VHDL use -L to specify liberty library.
        only create empty blackbox modules

    verific {-f|-F} [-vlog95|-vlog2k|-sv2005|-sv2009|
                     -sv2012|-sv|-formal] <command-file>

Load and execute the specified command file.
Override verilog parsing mode can be set.
The macros YOSYS, SYNTHESIS/FORMAL, and VERIFIC are defined implicitly.

Command file parser supports following commands in file:
    +define+<MACRO>=<VALUE> - defines macro
    -u                      - upper case all identifier (makes Verilog parser
                              case insensitive)
    -v <filepath>           - register library name (file)
    -y <filepath>           - register library name (directory)
    +incdir+<filepath>      - specify include dir
    +libext+<filepath>      - specify library extension
    +liborder+<id>          - add library in ordered list
    +librescan              - unresolved modules will be always searched
                              starting with the first library specified
                              by -y/-v options.
    -f/-file <filepath>     - nested -f option
    -F <filepath>           - nested -F option (relative path)
    parse files:

    analysis mode:

    verific [-work <libname>] {-sv|-vhdl|...} <hdl-file>

Load the specified Verilog/SystemVerilog/VHDL file into the specified library.
(default library when -work is not present: "work")

    verific [-L <libname>] {-sv|-vhdl|...} <hdl-file>

Look up external definitions in the specified library.
(-L may be used more than once)

    verific -vlog-incdir <directory>..

Add Verilog include directories.

    verific -vlog-libdir <directory>..

Add Verilog library directories. Verific will search in this directories to
find undefined modules.

    verific -vlog-libext <extension>..

Add Verilog library extensions, used when searching in library directories.

    verific -vlog-define <macro>[=<value>]..

Add Verilog defines.

    verific -vlog-undef <macro>..

Remove Verilog defines previously set with -vlog-define.

    verific -set-error <msg_id>..
    verific -set-warning <msg_id>..
    verific -set-info <msg_id>..
    verific -set-ignore <msg_id>..

Set message severity. <msg_id> is the string in square brackets when a message
is printed, such as VERI-1209.
Also errors, warnings, infos and comments could be used to set new severity for
all messages of certain type.

    verific -import [options] <top>..

Elaborate the design for the specified top modules or configurations, import to
Yosys and reset the internal state of Verific.

Import options:

    Elaborate all modules, not just the hierarchy below the given top
    modules. With this option the list of modules to import is optional.

    Create a gate-level netlist.

    Flatten the design in Verific before importing.

    Resolve references to external nets by adding module ports as needed.

    Complex ports (structs or arrays) are not split and remain packed as a single port.

    Generate automatic cover statements for all asserts

    Keep all register initializations, even those for non-FF registers.

    Import all cell definitions from Verific loaded libraries even if they are
    unused in design. Useful with "-edif" and "-liberty" option.

  -chparam name value
    Elaborate the specified top modules (all modules when -all given) using
    this parameter value. Modules on which this parameter does not exist will
    cause Verific to produce a VERI-1928 or VHDL-1676 message. This option
    can be specified multiple times to override multiple parameters.
    String values must be passed in double quotes (").

  -v, -vv
    Verbose log messages. (-vv is even more verbose than -v.)

  -pp <filename>
    Pretty print design after elaboration to specified file.

The following additional import options are useful for debugging the Verific
bindings (for Yosys and/or Verific developers):

    Keep going after an unsupported verific primitive is found. The
    unsupported primitive is added as blockbox module to the design.
    This will also add all SVA related cells to the design parallel to
    the checker logic inferred by it.

    Import Verific netlist as-is without translating to Yosys cell types.

    Ignore SVA properties, do not infer checker logic.

  -L <int>
    Maximum number of ctrl bits for SVA checker FSMs (default=16).

    Keep all Verific names on instances and nets. By default only
    user-declared names are preserved.

  -d <dump_file>
    Dump the Verific netlist as a verilog file.

    verific [-work <libname>] -pp [options] <filename> [<module>]..

Pretty print design (or just module) to the specified file from the
specified library. (default library when -work is not present: "work")

Pretty print options:

    Save output for Verilog/SystemVerilog design modules (default).

    Save output for VHDL design units.

    verific -cfg [<name> [<value>]]

Get/set Verific runtime flags.

    verific [-work <libname>] -rewrite [-clear][-list] <name> [options]..

Register rewriter for execution on elaboration step.

        Displays help for specific rewriter.

        Remove all rewriters from list, including default rewriters.

        Displays all rewriter in list in order of execution.

    -module <module>
        Run rewriter only on specified module.

    -work <libname>
        Use verilog sources from given library.
        (default library when -work is not present: "work")

    -blacklist <filename[:lineno]>
        Do not run rewriter on modules from files that match the filename
        or filename and line number if provided in such format.
        Parameter can also contain comma separated list of file locations.

    -blfile <file>
        Do not run rewriter on locations specified in file, they can
        represent filename or filename and location in file.

    -whitelist <filename[:lineno]>
        Run rewriter on modules from files that match the filename
        or filename and line number if provided in such format.
        Parameter can also contain comma separated list of file locations.

    -wlfile <file>
        Run rewriter on locations specified in file, they can
        represent filename or filename and location in file.

Available rewriters:
  gen-witness-covers   - Generate witness covers
  initial-assertions   - Generate initial block assertions (automatically added)

    verific [-work <libname>] -elaborate [options]..

Execute elaboration step and all registered rewriters.

    -work <libname>
        Use verilog sources from given library.
        (default library when -work is not present: "work")

    verific [-work <libname>] -ivy-json-export <filename> [options]..

Export IVY specific data to json file.

    -work <libname>
        Use verilog sources from given library.
        (default library when -work is not present: "work")

    -top <top>
        Specify top module.

    verific -assert-all-invariants

Executes code rewriter to assert all invariants.

    verific -assert-used-properties-and-sequences

Executes code rewriter to assert all properties and sequences used in proofs.

    verific -delete-all-invariants

Executes code rewriter to delete all invariants.

    verific -delete-all-proofs

Executes code rewriter to delete all proofs.

Use YosysHQ Tabby CAD Suite if you need Yosys+Verific.

Contact for free evaluation
binaries of YosysHQ Tabby CAD Suite.