glift - create GLIFT models and optimization problems

yosys> help glift

glift <command> [options] [selection]
Augments the current or specified module with gate-level information flow
tracking (GLIFT) logic using the "constructive mapping" approach. Also can set
up QBF-SAT optimization problems in order to optimize GLIFT models or trade off
precision and complexity.

Replaces the current or specified module with one that has corresponding
"taint" inputs, outputs, and internal nets along with precise taint
tracking logic. For example, precise taint tracking logic for an AND gate

  y_t = a & b_t | b & a_t | a_t & b_t
Replaces the current or specified module with one that has corresponding
"taint" inputs, outputs, and internal nets along with imprecise "All OR"
taint tracking logic:

  y_t = a_t | b_t
Replaces the current or specified module with one that has corresponding
"taint" inputs, outputs, and internal nets along with 4 varying-precision
versions of taint tracking logic. Which version of taint tracking logic is
used for a given gate is determined by a MUX selected by an $anyconst cell.
 By default, unless the `-no-cost-model` option is provided, an additional
wire named `__glift_weight` with the `keep` and `minimize` attributes is
added to the module along with pmuxes and adders to calculate a rough
estimate of the number of logic gates in the GLIFT model given an assignment
for the $anyconst cells. The four versions of taint tracking logic for an
AND gate are:
  y_t = a & b_t | b & a_t | a_t & b_t       (like `-create-precise-model`)
  y_t = a_t | a & b_t
  y_t = b_t | b & a_t
  y_t = a_t | b_t                           (like `-create-imprecise-model`)
Constant values in the design are labeled as tainted.
(default: label constants as un-tainted)
Do not remove module outputs. Taint tracking outputs will appear in the
module ports alongside the orignal outputs.
(default: original module outputs are removed)
Do not model logic area. Instead model the number of non-zero assignments to
$anyconsts. Taint tracking logic versions vary in their size, but all
reduced-precision versions are significantly smaller than the fully-precise
version. A non-zero $anyconst assignment means that reduced-precision taint
tracking logic was chosen for some gate. Only applicable in combination with
`-create-instrumented-model`. (default: use a complex model and give that
 wire the "keep" and "minimize" attributes)
Do not model taint tracking logic area and do not create a `__glift_weight`
wire. Only applicable in combination with `-create-instrumented-model`.
(default: model area and give that wire the "keep" and "minimize"
Allow choice from more versions of (even simpler) taint tracking logic. A
total of 8 versions of taint tracking logic will be added per gate,
including the 4 versions from `-create-instrumented-model` and these
additional versions:

  y_t = a_t
  y_t = b_t
  y_t = 1
  y_t = 0

Only applicable in combination with `-create-instrumented-model`.
(default: do not add more versions of taint tracking logic.