paramap - renaming cell parameters

yosys> help paramap

paramap [options] [selection]
This command renames cell parameters and/or maps key/value pairs to
other key/value pairs.
-tocase <name>
Match attribute names case-insensitively and set it to the specified
-rename <old_name> <new_name>
Rename attributes as specified
-map <old_name>=<old_value> <new_name>=<new_value>
Map key/value pairs as indicated.
-imap <old_name>=<old_value> <new_name>=<new_value>
Like -map, but use case-insensitive match for <old_value> when
it is a string value.
-remove <name>=<value>
Remove attributes matching this pattern.
For example, mapping Diamond-style ECP5 "init" attributes to Yosys-style:

    paramap -tocase INIT t:LUT4