formalff - prepare FFs for formal

yosys> help formalff

formalff [options] [selection]
This pass transforms clocked flip-flops to prepare a design for formal
verification. If a design contains latches and/or multiple different clocks run
the async2sync or clk2fflogic passes before using this pass.
Replace all clocked flip-flops with $ff cells that use the implicit
global clock. This assumes, without checking, that the design uses a
single global clock. If that is not the case, the clk2fflogic pass
should be used instead.
Replace uninitialized bits of $ff cells with $anyinit cells. An
$anyinit cell behaves exactly like an $ff cell with an undefined
initialization value. The difference is that $anyinit inhibits
don't-care optimizations and is used to track solver-provided values
in witness traces.

If combined with -clk2ff this also affects newly created $ff cells.
Replaces $anyinit cells with uninitialized $ff cells. This performs the
reverse of -ff2anyinit and can be used, before running a backend pass
(or similar) that is not yet aware of $anyinit cells.

Note that after running -anyinit2ff, in general, performing don't-care
optimizations is not sound in a formal verification setting.
Emit fine-grained $_FF_ cells instead of coarse-grained $ff cells for
-anyinit2ff. Cannot be combined with -clk2ff or -ff2anyinit.
Find FFs with undefined initialization values for which changing the
initialization does not change the observable behavior and initialize
them. For -ff2anyinit, this reduces the number of generated $anyinit
cells that drive wires with private names.